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Since 2007, Blessed Homes has been helping children, teenagers, and young adults in the Tak province, on the border between Thailand and Myanmar. Here, we operate three orphanages and a youth center. To ensure our current operations, we need to increase our income. Regular donors provide us with a stable framework to maintain our work.

60% of 19 000 $
19 000 $Monthly budget (2024)
11 900 $Monthly income

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3Children homes
1Youth Center
90Children, youth and young adults
25Local employees

Our work today

For the school year 2024/2025, we are supporting around 90 children, teenagers, and young adults. Most of them live in one of our homes, while the remaining are young people receiving financial support for higher education.

We have 22 local employees who live permanently in the homes. Additionally, we have three local employees in the office in Mae Sot: one responsible for accounting and HR, and two social workers. Besides the local staff, Ole-Jørgen Edna (since the start in 2007), Stephanie Melachrinos (since 2014), and Gjertrud Ekre (since 2017) work with Blessed Homes in Thailand.

The border areas where we work are marked by prolonged conflict between Burmese authorities and ethnic minorities. As a result, many grow up as refugees in Thailand and as stateless individuals with limited rights. As a Thai foundation, we collaborate with local child welfare services and other organizations that work to promote the rights of children and youth.

The needs are many, and with 17 years of experience, we aim to continue our work to provide children and young people with a safe upbringing and educational opportunities.

How Are the Funds Used?

Monthly expenses in Thailand (2023)

Salaries40 %6 800 $
Food19 %3 200 $
Housing10 %1 800 $
Education10 %1 750 $
Transportation7 %1 250 $
Miscellaneous7 %1 200 $
Health4 %700 $
Administration1 %200 $
Total16 900 $

Blessed Homes is an approved organization by the Fundraising Control. There, we commit to following specific accounting rules and ethical guidelines for fundraising and subject ourselves to external audits. Read more about our financial statements and key figures on the Fundraising Control's website. Most administrative tasks are done on a volunteer basis, resulting in administrative costs for Blessed Homes being under two percent.


In Thailand, Blessed Homes is registered as a foundation under the name “Blessed Homes Foundation” and complies with local accounting and auditing requirements. In Norway, we are registered in the Volunteer Register and are part of the Fundraising Control. The Norwegian accounts are audited in Norway. In the USA, Blessed Homes is registered as a “non-profit 501(c)(3).” The Thai foundation is responsible for the operation of the homes. The organizations in Norway and the USA are donor organizations for the foundation in Thailand.

Care of Children

Blessed Homes works with children whose families are not able to provide for them.

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Transition for Youth

As children grow up, we want to support them in the transition to a more independent adult life.

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